Self-Select: Nairobian in Tokyo
「不法滞在の可能性がある」という理由でデービッド・オモンディ・ワグデにイギリス入国ビザが発行されなかった《DOMINO / OMONDI》から5年。当時オモンディが書いていた日記は、代わりにいつか東京でこのプロジェクトを実現させようという西尾とオモンディの約束で閉じられている。2017年、オモンディが生まれて初めてケニアを離れて、東京でセルフ・セレクトのパフォーマンスに挑んだ様子が、写真と映像で捉えられている。
Five years previously, David Omondi Wagude was unable to participate in Omondi because his visa was denied due to a perceived risk of overstaying. Yoshinari Nishio made a promise to him that they would turn the diary entries written by Wagude at the time into a project someday in Tokyo. In 2017, Wagude was able to leave Kenya for the first time, and participate in a version of the Self-Select performance project in Tokyo, which was then recorded in photographs and video.