Yoshinari Nishio
Artist, fashion designer
1982 Born in Nara. Lives and works in Tokyo.
Associate Professor, Tokyo University of the Arts


In modern civil society, clothing provides us with a sense of security and confidence, and functions as a medium that facilitates communication. In order to be accepted as a legitimate member of society, it is necessary to learn cultural norms and expectations in relation to the body. In other words, both self-expression and communication through clothing is practiced within the accepted norms of a given culture. In today’s contemporary globalized society, moreover, new clothing is manufactured and offered to us each season, inviting our participation in an unremitting act of consumption. Considered in this way, while assuming a role as a medium for communication, clothing could also be said to hinder other forms of communication that might otherwise have been possible. This is the central concern that informs my practice as an artist.
However, clothing has more potential as a communication tool than any other medium: by wearing clothes on a daily basis, everyone is ipso facto a participant in and practitioner of clothing. Through forms of play, I aspire to restore people’s active engagement as clothing practitioners, and reinstate clothing’s latent possibilities for communication. Through the means of participatory art projects, I develop performances as public interventions, site-specific installations, and workshops as forms of hyper-pedagogy. I call myself a fashion designer, interpreting all these activities as part of the role a fashion designer should have in the future.
My interest in clothing has developed into an exploration of art as a form of mutual learning for myself and those from other backgrounds. Through projects undertaken in collaboration with people from different countries, children, the elderly, students, and those not from the art world, I seek out the educational roles that art fulfills in society, and engage in a practice of social sculpture.




PhD in Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts



MFA in Intermedia Art, Tokyo University of the Arts



BFA in Intermedia Art, Tokyo University of the Arts




Japanese Government Oversea Research Program, Agency for Cultural Affairs, residency at Nairobi Arts Trust / Centre for Contemporary Art of East Africa (-2013)


Work History


Associate Professor, Department of Intermedia Art, Faculty of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts (-Present)



Associate Professor, Faculty of Regional Promotion, Nara Prefectural University (-2022)



Junior Associate Professor, Faculty of Regional Promotion, Nara Prefectural University (-2018)



Program-Specific Researcher, Human Innovation Research Center, Aoyama Gakuin University (-2011)


Selected Solo Exhibitions


「Self Select: The Archive」奈良ファミリー4Fパブリックスペース/奈良

Self Select: The Archive, narafamily4F public space, Nara, Japan


「POPOTE NILIPO NINA RAHA」108 Art Project 咲洲プロジェクト、西尾レントオールR&D国際交流センター(仮称)建設現場仮囲い/大阪

Last Fashion, TURN ANOTHER ROUND, Sendai Forus, Miyagi, Japan
POPOTE NILIPO NINA RAHA, 108 ART PROJECT, Temporary fence for construction site, Nishio Rentall R&D International Exchange Center, Osaka, Japan


「着がえる家」maru room/奈良

“Laundry of the Senses” Iwaki tour 2017-2019, Alios Iwaki Performing Arts Center and others, Fukushima, Japan
Dress-Up House, maru room, Nara, Japan


「NISHINARI YOSHIO」江之子島文化芸術創造センター(enoco)/kioku手芸館「たんす」/大阪

NISHINARI YOSHIO, Enokojima Art, Culture and Creative Center / Kioku Shugei-Kan “Tansu”, Osaka, Japan





「スペクトラムファイル12 西尾美也」スパイラルエントランス/東京

Spectrum File – 12 Yoshinari Nishio, Spiral Entrance, Tokyo, Japan



Storyscape, Nara Prefectural Library and Information Center, Nara, Japan


「Kangaeru」Le Rustique Restaurant/ナイロビ/ケニア
「ネクスト・マーケット ジャングルジム市場」アサヒ・アートスクエア/東京

Kangaeru, Le Rustique Restaurant, Nairobi, Kenya
Next Market: Under the Jungle Gym, Asahi Art Square, Tokyo, Japan



ITADAKIMASU, Akiyoshidai International Art Village, Yamaguchi, Japan
Thread Between, 3331 gallery, Tokyo, Japan


「Self Select in Nairobi」RaMoMA/ナイロビ /ケニア

Self Select in Nairobi, RaMoMA, Nairobi, Kenya
Form on Words Factory, apmg, Musashino Art University, Tokyo, Japan


「Self Select」Gallery Cesar Harada/パリ/フランス

Self Select, Gallery Cesar Harada, Paris, France
Yoshinari Nishio’s Reasons of Clothes, Tokyo Midtown Design Hub, Tokyo, Japan



Yoshinari Nishio Exhibition, Kyoto Costume Institute, Kyoto, Japan

Selected Group Exhibitions


「study:大阪関西国際芸術祭 Vol.3」kioku手芸館「たんす」/大阪

study: Osaka Kansai International Art Festival Vol.3, kioku shugeikan “Tansu”, Osaka, Japan
Urayasu Art Project “Urayasu Geidai”, Hairdressers in Urayasu City, Chiba, Japan
Tokyo Biennale 2023, Ebihara Shoten, Tokyo, Japan
Roppongi Art Night 2014, Mikawadai Park / Roppongi Middle School / Yaguchi Building, Tokyo, Japan
study: Osaka Kansai International Art Festival 2023, kioku shugeikan “Tansu”, Osaka, Japan


「縫い合わせる “西尾美也 x 岡本光博”」ギャラリーギャラリー/京都
「MIND TRAIL 2022 奥大和 心の中の美術館」天川村/奈良
「Art Thinking Week 2022よそおうのこれから」渋谷QWS/東京

Sew Together: Yoshinari Nishio × Mitsuhiro Okamoto, 2022, Gallery Gallery, Kyoto, Japan
MIND TRAIL 2022 – Museum in your mind, Tenkawa, Nara, Japan
Art Thinking Week 2022, SHIBUYA QWS, Tokyo, Japan
study: Osaka Kansai International Art Festival, Semba Excel Building, Osaka, Japan


「FUJI TEXTILE WEEK 2021 織と気配」旧スルガ銀行/山梨
「MIND TRAIL 2021 奥大和 心の中の美術館」吉野町/奈良

FUJI TEXTILE WEEK – Weaving and Atmosphere, 2021, Former Suruga Bank, Yamanashi, Japan
MIND TRAIL 2021 – Museum in your mind, Yoshino, Nara, Japan
Tokyo Biennale 2020/2021, Ebihara Shoten, Tokyo, Japan


「ドレス・コード? 着る人たちのゲーム」熊本市現代美術館アートスカイギャラリー/熊本

Dress Code: Are You Playing Fashion?, Contemporary Art Museum, Kumamoto, Japan
Art Project “Connect by HOKUSAI: Beyond the Sumida River, Sakurabashi Bridge, Tokyo, Japan
Roppongi Art Night 2014, Mikawadai Park, Tokyo, Japan


「20th DOMANI・明日展 寄留者(パサジェ)の記憶」国立新美術館/東京

20th DOMANI: “The Art of Tomorrow” Exhibition – Showcasing Participants from the Agency for Cultural Affairs Program of Overseas Study for Upcoming Artists, The National Art Center, Tokyo, Japan


「ソーシャリー・エンゲイジド・アート 社会を動かすアートの新潮流」3331 Arts Chiyoda/東京

A New Wave of Art for Social Change: Socially Engaged Art, 3331 Arts Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan


「古都祝奈良 時空を超えたアートの祭典」ならまち/奈良

ART! by Creative Reuse, Chofu City Culture Center Tazukuri, Tokyo, Japan
TURN Fes, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan
Aichi Triennale 2016, Aichi Arts Center, Aichi, Japan
Art Celebration in Nara – Beyond Time and Space, Naramachi, Nara, Japan
Saitama Triennale 2016, The former Folk Culture Center, Saitama, Japan


「Invisible Energy」ST PAUL St Gallery One and Two/オークランド/ニュージーランド
「大地の芸術祭 越後妻有アートトリエンナーレ2015」まつだい「農舞台」ギャラリー/新潟
「Nuit Branche Kyoto 2015」京都市立芸術大学ギャラリー@KCUA/京都
「In Progress – Emerging Japanese Artists’ Show」Zendai Contemporary Art Space/上海

Happy Spot Nara, Nara Prefectural Cultural Hall, Nara, Japan
Invisible Energy, ST PAUL St Gallery One and Two, Auckland, New Zealand
Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale 2015, Matsudai Nobutai Gallery, Niigata, Japan
Nuit Blance Kyoto 2015, Kyoto City University of Arts ART GALLERY @KCUA, Kyoto, Japan
In Progress – Emerging Japanese Artists’ Show, Zendai Contemporary Art Space, Shanghai, China


「反戦 来るべき戦争に抗うために」SNOW Contemporary/東京
「服の記憶 私の服は誰のもの?」アーツ前橋/群馬
「限界芸術百選プロジェクト第2弾 関係性の美学」まつだい「農舞台」ギャラリー/新潟

Roppongi Art Night 2014, Roppongi Hills / Tokyo Midtown / The National Art Center, Tokyo, Japan
You reach out –right now– for something : Questioning the Concept of Fashion, Contemporary Art Gallery, Art Tower Mito, Ibaraki, Japan
You reach out –right now– for something : Questioning the Concept of Fashion, Marugame Genichiro-Inokuma Museum of Contemporary Art, Kagawa, Japan
Anti-War: Resistance against the Anticipated War, SNOW Contemporary, Tokyo, Japan
Wearable Memories, Arts Maebashi, Gunma, Japan
Relational Aesthetics, Matsudai Nobutai Gallery, Niigata, Japan


「LIFE by MEDIA(YCAM10周年記念祭公募企画展示)」山口市中心商店街/山口
「大地を包む 繊維からの再考」越後妻有里山現代美術館[キナーレ]/新潟

LIFE by MEDIA, YCAM 10th Anniversary Public Competition, Yamaguchi Central Shopping District, Yamaguchi, Japan
Embracing the land: reframing textiles, Echigo-Tsumari Satoyama Museum of Contemporary Art, KINARE, Niigata, Japan


「Aftergold」Loughborough University/ラフバラ/イギリス
「Matatu Project in Movement」Le Rustique Restaurant/ナイロビ/ケニア
「Biennale Benin 2012」CENTRE KORA/コトヌー/ベナン

Aftergold, Loughborough University, Loughborough, United Kingdom
Matatu Project in Movement, Le Rustique Restaurant, Nairobi, Kenya
Biennale Benin 2012, CENTRE KORA, Cotonou, Benin


「現代芸術創造事業ブレーカープロジェクト 絶滅危惧・風景」大阪市立近代美術館(仮称)心斎橋展示室/大阪
「ソーシャルダイブ 探検する想像」3331 Arts Chiyoda/東京
「再考現学 衣食住から社会をまなざす」国際芸術センター青森/青森
「CAFE in Mito 2011」水戸芸術館現代美術ギャラリー/茨城

Endangered Cityscape, Osaka City Museum of Modern Art, Osaka, Japan
Social Dive, 3331 Arts Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan
Traversing the Times, Places and Attributes of People described in Art, Osaka City Museum of Modern Art, Osaka, Japan
Re-Modernologio, Aomori Contemporary Art Centre, Aomori, Japan
CAFE in Mito 2011, Contemporary Art Gallery, Art Tower Mito, Ibaraki, Japan


「レゾナンス共鳴 人と響き合うアート」サントリーミュージアム[天保山]/大阪
「日本文化デザイン会議2010 アートプロジェクト with 北本ビタミン」北本市/埼玉

Resonance, Suntory Museum Tempozan, Osaka, Japan
Japan Inter-Desgin Forum 2010 Art Project with Kitamoto Vitamin, Muro, Saitama, Japan
Geidai Taito Sumida Sightseeing Art Project 2010, Japanese Doll’s Material Shop, Tokyo, Japan
Matsudo Art Line Project 2010, Farmer Rice Shop, Chiba, Japan


「Estuaire 2009 Nantes cas 8」サン・ナゼール/フランス
「日本文化デザイン会議2009 アートプロジェクトin北本市」北本市/埼玉
「From Laboratory to Project」New Museum Weimar/ドイツ
「Costume in Play」松本市立美術館/長野

Estuaire 2009 Nantes cas 8, Saint-Nazaire, France
Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale 2009, Tokamachi, Niigata, Japan
Japan Inter-Desgin Forum 2009 Art Project in Kitamoto, Arakawa River Area, Saitama, Japan
From Laboratory to Project, New Museum Weimar, Weimar, Germany
Ueno Town art Museum 2009, Ueno Park, Tokyo, Japan
Costume in Play, Matsumoto City Museum, Nagano, Japan


「Ideal Forum」Café MOSCAU/ベルリン/ドイツ

Ideal Forum, Café Moscau, Berlin, Germany
Happiness in Everyday Life, Contemporary Art Gallery, Art Tower Mito, Ibaraki, Japan
Art Jam Tokyo 2008, Art Jam Contemporary, Tokyo, Japan


「感情の強盗」BankART Studio NYK/神奈川

Emotion Burglar, BankART Studio NYK, Kanagawa, Japan


「Media City Seoul 2006」Seoul Museum of Art/ソウル/韓国

Media City Seoul 2006, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea



Toride Art Project 2005, Toride, Japan


「Stay with Art ~境界線~」HOTEL T’POINT/大阪
「Artists by Artists Cafe」六本木アカデミーヒルズ/東京

Stay with Art – Boundary Line, HOTEL T’POINT, Osaka, Japan
Artists by Artists Cafe, Academyhills, Tokyo, Japan


「Artists by Artists」六本木アカデミーヒルズ/東京

Artists by Artists, Academyhills, Tokyo, Japan
Toride Art Project 2003, Toride, Japan


© Yoshinari Nishio Site by ND&I Ink.