Laundry of the Senses
In Japan today, we take it for granted that laundry can be done using a washing machine. This installation attempts to re-examine laundry as a creative act that opens up our senses. Regarding laundry as an interface for the public and private, people take their laundry to a public park to wash it by hand and then hang it out to dry around the community like national flags, decorating the local area with something that is highly personal. A truck is loaded with a tank of water as well as tubs and washboards. Music is played as the participants wash their clothes by hand. Watercolor paintings are made of the laundry landscape. The act of people trying on the dried clothes is filmed. The documentation of the workshop was reconfigured as a record of the simultaneously old yet new way of living that is the act of washing clothes, and presented in an exhibition venue as an installation.