
1000 Coordinates

人が一生で着用する衣服の平均的な総数を4000着と算出し、その数の古着を市民から募集する。集まった古着から、市民スタッフが自由に組み合わせて1000のコーディネートを完成させ、同時にそれらの衣服について、ひとつひとつ分析シートに詳述する。コーディネートされた衣服はすべて西尾が着用し、正面、背面、両側面の4カットを写真撮影してつなげた着せ替えアニメーションとなる。この1000枚の分析シートと映像が、プロジェクト全体のタイトルとも共通する《1000 Coordinates》である。西尾が着用して撮影を終えた衣服は、市民スタッフの手によって解体されていく。1650枚の袖をぶらさげた《袖/滝》、8000個のボタンをつなげた《ボタン/雨》、花柄だけを集めた《花柄/花》、ほどいたセーターをネットに編み込んだ《セーター/雲》、最後に残った全ての衣服のパーツを積層させて作る《服/地層》。衣服が元来備えている性質や機能を手がかりに、立体的な風景を生成する。

Four thousand items of old clothing are collected from local residents, based on statistical data that calculated the average number of clothing items used by a single person over the course of their entire lifetime. Volunteers freely mix and match the pieces of clothing, selecting from the heap of old items to create a thousand outfits in total, while also filling out an analysis sheet with details about the matched outfits. Yoshinari Nishio then puts on every outfit, photographs himself from the front, back, and sides as if for a portfolio, and turns the four thousand pictures into a film, forming an animation of changing clothes. The title of the project and film, 1,000 Coordinates, refers to the number of analysis sheets. In the next stage, the staff take the old clothes apart and transform them into several installations: Sleeves/Waterfall, in which 1,650 sleeves are hung from the ceiling to the floor; Buttons/Rain with eight thousand interlinked buttons; Floral Prints / Flower, featuring only floral prints; Sweaters/Clouds, in which unraveled woolen sweaters are interwoven into a net; and Clothes/Strata, a series of layers formed from all the pieces left over at the end. These generate a sculptural landscape, based on the essential characteristics and functions of clothing.

1000 Coordinates, 2011
Buttons / Rain | Installation view: Re-Modernologio, 2011, Aomori Contemporary Art Centre, Aomori, Japan | Photo by Motoyuki Shitamichi, Courtesy of Aomori Contemporary Art Centre
Floral prints / Flower | Installation view: Re-Modernologio, 2011, Aomori Contemporary Art Centre, Aomori, Japan | Photo by Motoyuki Shitamichi, Courtesy of Aomori Contemporary Art Centre
Sleeves / Waterfall | Installation view: Re-Modernologio, 2011, Aomori Contemporary Art Centre, Aomori, Japan | Photo by Motoyuki Shitamichi, Courtesy of Aomori Contemporary Art Centre
Sweaters / Clouds | Installation view: Re-Modernologio, 2011, Aomori Contemporary Art Centre, Aomori, Japan | Photo by Motoyuki Shitamichi, Courtesy of Aomori Contemporary Art Centre
Clothes / Strata | Installation view: Re-Modernologio, 2011, Aomori Contemporary Art Centre, Aomori, Japan | Photo by Motoyuki Shitamichi, Courtesy of Aomori Contemporary Art Centre
1000 Coordinates | Installation view: Re-Modernologio, 2011, Aomori Contemporary Art Centre, Aomori, Japan | Photo by Motoyuki Shitamichi, Courtesy of Aomori Contemporary Art Centre