
Overall / People’s House

古着が三つのステージを循環しながら、解体と構築を繰り返す。第一ステージの《オーバーオール》では、世界各地の巨大な喪失物を、市民から集めた古着を解体し、市民が協働してパッチワークで再建する。形見としての服が故人の存在感を強く示すことがあるのとは逆の順序で、モチーフの記憶に新たな装いを与えてゆく。制作過程では、町の成り立ちの再考と市民相互の対話が促され、町に新たな景観を生み出す体験を共有する。第二ステージの《人間の家[家]》では、各地の巨大なパッチワークが一カ所に集められ、再び解体され、さらに精巧なパッチワークへと合体する。このパッチワークから、大勢の人が中に入って集える大きな服としての家が構築され、市民が集い語らう場となる。第三ステージの《ピープルズ・ハウス〈人間の家[服]〉》では、《人間の家[家]》は再び解体され、小さな家としての服へと作り替えられ る。そして日常着として各地の市民に還元される。

A mass of old clothes circulate through three phases, disassembling and reassembling. In the first phase, Overall, locals help reconstruct a giant lost object with patchworks created from old clothes collected in particular areas around the world. Memories of the object are revived, just as the clothes of the departed remind us of them. The project encourages us to reconsider the origins of our community, to engage in dialogue with others, and to share the experience of creating a new local landscape. In the second phase, People’s House [House], the massive patchworks are brought together from around the world at a specific place, taken apart, and combined into a more elaborate patchwork. The patchwork is made into a huge item of clothing that forms a house in which many people gather and talk. In the final phase, People’s House [Clothes], the house is disassembled yet again into clothing as a small house. The clothes are then returned as everyday wear to the people in each place.

Overall Project in Nairobi, 2010
Overall: Steam Locomotive | Performed: Overall Project in Nairobi, 2010, Nairobi, Kenya | Photo by Yasuyoshi Chiba
Overall: Ueno Great Buddha | Installation vew: Ueno Town Museum, 2009, Kaneiji Temple, Tokyo, Japan | Photo by Masakazu Shibata
People’s House | Installation view: Kitamoto-Vitamin, 2010, Saitama, Japan | Photo by Tsuyoshi Saito
People’s House | Installation view: MIND TRAIL, 2021, Yoshino, Nara, Japan
Overall: U-Boat | Installation veiw: Estuaire 2009 Nantes cas 8, 2009, Panoramic Roof, Saint-Nazaire, France
Overall: Shibuya River | Performed: Eco on Cat Street, 2010, Shibuya Cat Street, Tokyo, Japan | Courtesy of Tanaka Chiyo Fashion College
Overall: Shibuya River | Installation view: Tanaka Chiyo Fashion College, Tokyo, Japan
Overall: Warehouse | Installation view: Art Celebration in Nara, 2016, Naramachi, Nara, Japan | Photo by Keizo Kioku
Overall: Foot Soldiers | Installation view: Costume in Play, 2009, Matsumoto City Museum of Art, Nagano, Japan
Overall: Gallery Gallery | Installation view: Sew Together, 2022, Gallery Gallery, Kyoto, Japan | Photo by Tomas Svab
Overall: House | Installation view: LIFE by MEDIA, 2013, Yamaguchi Central Shopping District, Yamaguchi, Japan | Photo by Ryohei Tomita