
Camouflaged Waterfall


It has become fashionable among all age groups to wear camouflage clothing. In this installation examining nature and the world, that artificial yet familiar form of camouflage (disguise) is exhibited in an actual forest in the style of a waterfall. Camouflage is now likely to make us think of the war in Ukraine. And that camouflage clothing is something that anyone can wear on a daily basis reminds us that it is ordinary people who are impacted most by war. At the end of World War II, a B-29 United States bomber crashed on Mount Omine, Nara. Nishio learned of this when he saw the engine parts exhibited at Tenkawa Village Museum after they were recovered from the mountain in 2006. In exchange for the engine parts, camouflage was returned to nature in the form of an installation and wrapped around the bodies of viewers. A camouflaged waterfall flowed in the forest of Tenkawa.

Installation view: MIND TRAIL, 2022, Tenkawa, Nara, Japan